The Farndale Lines

Particular branches of the family tree


From this page, you will be able to explore 84 sub branches of the family


Home Page

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Return to the Home Page of the Farndale Family Website

The Farndale Story

The story of one family’s journey through two thousand years of British History

The Farndale Lineages

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The 84 family lines into which the family is divided. Meet the whole family and how the wider family is related

The Farndale Directory

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Members of the historical family ordered by date of birth


Links to other pages with historical research and related material

Related Family Stories

The story of the Bakers of Highfields, the Chapmans, and other related families



The Farndale family is divided into the following 84 family lines.  


You can explore these family lines, which provide a route to each individual’s webpage:


1.    Through an overall Interface Chart which shows how each Family Line is related.

2.    Through an Alphabetical List.

3.    Through a geographical presentation of the various lines of the family.


Click on the link for each family line to explore its family tree and from there find every individual member of the wider family.


The Interface Chart


Each individual Farndale is grouped with his immediate family into Family Lines. This page groups the family lines to help you easily see the relationship between different parts of the family. So having identified the family line in which you are interested, this page will help you to see the wider relationships between different parts of the family.

The Red Lines are main lines of ancestry through which the majority of the family flow. These are generally large family hubs often spanning several centuries and are the main hubs to which other family lines relate.

The Green Lines are those Family Lines which still have members alive today. So it is likely that you will find a contemporary Farndale (or yourself perhaps) in one of the Family Lines in green text. 






The Farndale Story



The First Family Genealogy (A Probable Model from Medieval Records)















Farndale 1 Line

1230 to 1255

Farndale 2 Line

1238 to 1332

Farndale 3 Line

1279 to 1335

Farndale 4

1282 to 1332



Sussex Line

Various 1460 to 1881






York 1 Line

1303 to 1378

Sheriff Hutton Line

1332 to 1388











The Doncaster- Kirkleatham-Skelton Line

1335 or 1512 to 1660

Doncaster, Kirkleatham, Skelton, Moorsholm, Liverton



York Southcliffe Line

1507 to 1537

Stainton Line

1595 to 1622








The Skelton 1 Line

1599 to 1682

Skelton, Liverton, Moorsholm


The Liverton 1 Line

1604 to 1693

Liverton, Loftus


The Liverton 2 Line

1634 to 1782

Liverton, Loftus, Skelton, Kilton























The Great Ayton 1 Line

1624 to 1659


The Moorsholm 1 Line

1630 to 1676

Skelton, Moorsholm, Liverton


The Brotton 1 Line

1650 to 1709

The Whitby 1 Line

1636 to 1832

Whitby and around

The Kilton 1 Line

1680 to 1973

Kilton, Brotton, and more widely over time


The Kilton 2 Line

1690 to 1841

Skelton, Brotton, Liverton, Kilton, Lythe, Whitby

The Pickering Line

1797 to 1902





The Scarborough 1 Line

1789 to 1826

The Scarborough 2 Line




The Kilton 3 Line

1725 to 1877

The Ampleforth 1 Line

1728 to Date

Ampleforth and more widely



The Whitby 2 Line

1711 to 1827

Whitby and around



The Loftus 1 Line

1739 to 1833

Loftus, Whitby, Brotton





The Leeds 2 Line

1906 to Date

The Bishop Wilton Line

1788 to Date

Bishop Wilton and more widely



The Leeds 1 Line

1826 to Date

Leeds and around


The Stockton 3 Line

1849 to 1993

Stockton and more widely

The Australia 2 Line

1927 to Date

South Australia, Northern Territory

The Thornaby Line

1936 to Date

Thornaby and more widely



The Carlisle Line

1824 to 1976





















The Wetherby 1 Line

1875 to 1948

Wetherby, York, Northallerton

The Bradford 2 Line

1910 to Date

Bradford and around


The Norwich Line

1870 to 1933

Norwich and area, and New Zealand

The New Zealand 2 Line

1911 to Date

New Zealand

The Uxbridge Line

1912 to 1945

Uxbridge and area




The Stockport 1 Line

1898 to 1947





The Brotton 3 Line

1772 to 1917

Loftus, Brotton, Whitby, Marske, Middlesbrough






























The Whitby 3 Line

1743 to 1797

Whitby, Lythe

The Brotton 2 Line

1753 to 1790

Brotton, Skelton

The Whitby 5 Line

1788 to Date

Whitby, Danby, Egton, Goathland, Loftus, York and more widely

The Australia 1 (Birregurra) Line

1793 to 1923

Birregurra and Victoria, Australia


The Martin Family

The Great Ayton 2 Line

1795 to 1953

Great Ayton, Bishop Auckland, Barrow and more widely

The Great Ayton 3 Line

1795 to 2005

Great Ayton, Guisborough, Middlesbrough

The Bishop Auckland 1 Line

1822 to 1989

Bishop Auckland, Newcastle

The Coatham Line

1827 to 1984

Coatham, Marske, Redcar

The Ontario 1 Line

1836 to Date

Ontario via the Crimean War


The Tidkinhow Line

1845 to 1992

Tidkinhow, Alberta and more widely

The Craggs Line

1850 to 1974

Craggs, Brotton and more widely

The Richmond Line

1875 to Date

Gillingwood, Richmond, Darlington

The John Farndale part of the Loftus 2 Line

1848 to Date

Loftus, Northallerton, Liverton, Moorsholm



The Whitby 4 Line

1773 to 1938

Whitby and around


















The South Shields 2 Line

1883 to 1928

Jarrow and South Shields



The Wetherby 2 Line

1922 to Date

Wetherby, Thirsk, Northallerton

The Hartlepool 1 Line

1834 to Date

Hartlepool and more widely

The American 2 Line

1890 to 1934

Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin

The American 1 Line

1885 to Date

California, Texas

The Wensleydale Line

1897 to Date

Wensleydale and more widely


The Wales 2 Line

1940 to Date

Wales particularly Glamorganshire

The Newfoundland Line

1886 to Date




The Whitby 6 Line

1818 to 1849




The London 4 Line

1907 to Date

London and Sussex



The London 2 Line

1911 to Date

London, Bedford, Northampton, Essex

The London 3 Line

1921 to Date






The Robert Farndale part of the Wakefield 1 Line

1885 to date

Wakefield and more widely


The Thirsk Line

1894 to Date

Thirsk, Northallerton, Richmond










The Bradford 1 Line

1909 to Date

Bradford, Chesterfield



The South Shields 1 Line

1904 to 1943

South Shields, Bradford


The New Zealand Line

1919 to Date

New Zealand, particularly Masterton

The Cambridge Line

1940 to Date

Cambridge, London, Middlesex





The Thomas Farndale part of the Wakefield 1 Line

1839 to 2002

Wakefield and more widely

The Loftus 3 Line

1849 to 1993

Loftus, Danby, Whitby and more widely

The Nottingham 1 Line

1909 to Date

Nottingham and more widely

The Holderness Line

1914 to Date

Holderness, Hull

The William Line

1947 to 2004

Wide geographical spread








The George Farndale part of the Loftus 2 Line

1843 to Date

Loftus, Brotton, Middlesbrough, Liverton and more widely


The Stockton 1 Line

1796 to Date

Stockton, Guisborough, Rothbury, Northumberland

The Stockton 2 Line

1814 to Date

Stockton, Middlesbrough and more widely


The Ontario 2 Line

1871 to 1912

Ontario, Canada










The Surrey 1 Line

1914 to 1944

Surrey, Sussex

The American 3 Line

1932 to Date

California, Oklahoma, Arizona, Washington

The Wales 1 Line

1934 to 1966

Pontypridd, Glamorganshire

The Northumberland Line

1913 to Date


The London 1 Line

1866 to Date

London and more widely


The Leicester Line

1886 to Date

Leicester, Nottingham and more widely

The Bradford 3 Line

1916 to 1945






























No longer used:


The Great Ayton 4 Line

The Putney Line


The Alphabetical List


In Alphabetical Order the 84 family lines are:


American 1


American 2


American 3


Ampleforth 1


Birregurra (Australia)


Australia 2


Bishop Auckland 1


Bishop Wilton


Bradford 1


Bradford 2


Bradford 3


Brotton 1


Brotton 2


Brotton 3










Doncaster Kirkleatham Skelton


Farndale 1


Farndale 2


Farndale 3


Farndale 4


Great Ayton 1


Great Ayton 2


Great Ayton 3


Great Ayton 4


Hartlepool 1




Kilton 1


Kilton 2


Kilton 3


Leeds 1


Leeds 2




Liverton 1


Liverton 2


Loftus 1


Loftus 2


Loftus 3


London 1


London 2


London 3


London 4


Moorsholm 1




New Zealand


New Zealand 2






Nottingham 1


Ontario 1


Ontario 2








Scarborough 1


Scarborough 2


Sheriff Hutton 1


Skelton 1


South Shields 1


South Shields 2




Stockport 1


Stockton 1


Stockton 2


Stockton 3


Surrey 1












Wales 1


Wales 2


Wakefield 1






Wetherby 2


Whitby 1


Whitby 2


Whitby 3


Whitby 4


Whitby 5


Whitby 6




York 1


York Southcliffe



I now have a family tree on Ancestry which links up all the Farndale family lines together. You will find it on Ancestry and it is called the Farndale Family Website Family Tree. 


A geographical perspective:


The Australian Farndales


The Argo left Liverpool on 8 October 1852. Onboard were Matthew (59), Hannah, his wife (45), Elizabeth (19) their youngest daughter and Mary Ann (23) and her husband William Martin (23). This is the story of their emigration and descendants.


The Australia lines:


Birregurra (Australia)                                        Australia 2


The New Zealand Farndales


The New Zealand Line


The Canadian Farndales


The Newfoundland Farndales


John Farndale emigrated to Newfoundland in about 1910. His grandson, Keith, is still in Canada, in Toronto. John later returned to Yorkshire.


The Newfoundland Line


The Ontario Farndales


John Farndale emigrated to Ontario in 1870 and this page tells the story of his descendants:    Ontario 1  


Samuel Farndale emigrated to Oshawa, Ontario (near Toronto) at the end of the nineteenth century and this page tells the story of his descendants: Ontario 2


The Alberta Farndales


This was a branch of the family who emigrated from the family of Martin to Alberta in the early twentieth century. Some stayed, one travelled on to the States, and my own grandfather later returned to Yorkshire.


The Tidkinhow Line who emigrated to Alberta.


So, there are four main branches of the family who emigrated to Canada:


The Newfoundland Farndales and The Newfoundland Line


The Ontario Farndales and Ontario 1


The second branch of the Ontario Farndales and Ontario 2


The Alberta Farndales and The Tidkinhow Line



The American Farndales


This is the story of Jim Farndale, who emigrated to Canada and then on to America and later became a senator. It is also the story of his descendants.



The three American Lines:


American 1      American 2       American 3


The Tidkinhow Hub


The story of the Farndales who lived at Tidkinhow, from  which large family Farndales established themselves in Canada and USA as well as across the UK.


The Tidkinhow Line


The Alfred Farndale Branch


This is my own branch of the Farndale family, descendants of Alfred, who emigrated to Alberta, Canada in the 1920s, and later returned to North Yorkshire.


The Wensleydale Line



The Whitby Farndales


Sailors and others engaged in trades such as carpentry in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.


Whitby 1        Whitby 2        Whitby 3       Whitby 4         Whitby 5    


The Cleveland and North Yorks Moors Lines


Ampleforth 1              Brotton 1                     Brotton 2                    Brotton 3                     Coatham           Craggs                      


Farndale 1                                      Farndale 2                                     Farndale 3                                         Farndale 4                     


Great Ayton 1                   Great Ayton 2                        Great Ayton 3                                                Great Ayton 4                                   


Kilton 1                                 Kilton 2                        Kilton 3                                                            Kirkleatham Skelton


Liverton 1                        Liverton 2                            Loftus 1                              Loftus 2                               Loftus 3


Moorsholm 1                       Scarborough 1                               Scarborough 2                                 Sheriff Hutton 1


Skelton 1                       Stainton                     Stockton 1                      Stockton 2                                    Stockton 3


Tidkinhow                                                              Thornaby                                                                                William


The Wider Yorkshire/Durham/Cumbria Lines


Bishop Auckland 1                     Bishop Wilton                        Bradford 1                  Bradford 2              Bradford 3


Carlisle             Hartlepool 1                 Holderness                     Leeds 1                   Leeds 2          Northumberland


Richmond               Sodbury                    South Shields 1                        Stockport 1                                         Thirsk


Thornaby               Wakefield 1                         Wensleydale                    Wetherby                               Wetherby 2


York 1                     York Southcliffe


Lines from the rest of the UK:



Cambridge                Leicester               London 1                  London 2                  London 3                       London 4


Norwich                   Nottingham 1                             Putney                                Surrey 1                             Uxbridge


Wales 1                             Wales 2