Miller, then Ironstone miner of Loftus, later a joiner and picture framer in Middlesbrough


George Farndale
8 March 1843 to 1 August 1917 (Buried)

The Brotton 3 Line

The Loftus 2 Line 












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George Farndale, son of George and Ann Farndale (nee Ventress) of Brotton, (FAR00252) farmer, was born on 8 March 1843 and baptised on 12 March 1843, Brotton (Brotton PR) The baptism service was performed by William Close perpetual curate. The birth of George Farndale was registered at Guisbro District in the first quarter of 1843 (GRO Vol 24 page 392).


A document with writing on it

Description automatically generated A document with writing on it

Description automatically generated


George’s birth certificate                                                                                                                                                                 George’s baptism certificate




George’s father, George (FAR00252) died at only 40 on 17 November 1847, when George Junior was only 4 years old. His mother however continued to run the farm of 60 acres with three employees after he died.




Census 1851 - Sykes House, Kilton:

Ann Farndale, 40, widow, born Hinderswell, farmer 60 acres, 3 employees, head.

John Child, 24, u/m, born Brotton. Son of Ann from a previous marriage as she was a widow when she had married George Farndale

Richard Child, 21, u/m, born Brotton. Son of Ann.

Ann Child, u/m, born Brotton. Daughter of Ann.

George Farndale, 6, born Brotton. Son of Ann. By this time, his father George Farndale had died.


John Welford aged 17 servant.

William Bell aged 19 lodger and iron miner’s clerk.

Ann was first married to John Child, then to George Farndale, but both her husbands were deceased by 1851.



Census 1861 - Kilton Mill, Skinningrove Village, Skinningrove:

John Child, head; age 33; marr; miller/farmer of 40 acres; b Brotton.

Eliza Child, wife, age 28; born Castleton.

George Farndale, age 18; unmarried; miller; born Brotton.


George Farndale of full age, bachelor, labourer of Lofthouse, son of George Farndale, farmer married Hannah Mary Walker of full age, spinster, servant of Lofthouse daughter of William Walker, blacksmith, on 9 Nov 1867. Banns, 20 and 27 October and 3 November 1867, Loftus – George Farndale and Hannah Mary Walker, both of this parish. Spouse’s residence: Loftus. (MC) George was 25 at his marriage.  



William George Farndale (FAR00492) was born at Loftus in 1868.



Sarah Annie Farndale (FAR00505) was born at Loftus in 1871.

1871 Census, 54 Lambs Lane, Liverton


George Farndale, 28, Blacksmith or B***man? Lodger?

Hannah M Farndale, 23 (born 1848)

William G Farndale, son, 2

Sarah A Farndale, 0




Arthur Edwin Farndale (FAR00532) was born at Loftus on 22 May 1875. By 1875, at the time Arthur was born, George was an iron miner and living at 9 Duncan Place, Loftus ("Lofthouse")



Edith Emily Farndale (FAR00546) was born at Loftus in 1877.




1881 Census, 2 Liverton Terrace, Liverton


George Farndale, 38, ironstone miner

Hannah Mary Farndale, 33 (born Loftus)

William Geo Farndale, 12 (born Loftus)

Sarah Annie Farndale, 10 (born Loftus)

Arthur Edwin Farndale, 5 (born Loftus)


See also Census 1881 - 19 North Street, Loftus:

William Walker; head; marr; age 73; born Loftus.

Sarah Walker; wife; age 70; b Loftus.

Edith E Farndale, grand-daughter; born Loftus (so their daughter Edith, went to live with Sarah’s parents).


William Walker was the manager of Ormesby mines 1878-1881 after John’s death:




Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 6 August 1883: SKINNINGROVE MINSER’S INSTITUTE. HORTICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. The above Society, undoubtedly one of the most progressive of its kind in Cleveland, held its eighth annual exhibition on Saturday last in a field pleasantly situated within half a mile at the village of Skinningrove and the German ocean. It was Queen’s weather. The sun from early morning shon out magnificently, and although at noon the heat was somewhat intense, the gentle breezes wafted up the valley from the sea so tempered the burning rays as to make the day and most enjoyable one. Shortly after noon Sir John J W Peace, Bart., MP, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Ethel, and a young gentleman, paid a visit to the show field. Sir Joseph expressed the pleasure it gave him to see every department so well represented, and paid a high compliment to the band, conducted by Mr Jabez Parsons, who during the honourable gentleman’s stay performed several choice selections of music in grand style, including the “Gems of Scottish Song.” The show in itself was decidedly an improvement on its predecessors. In the amateur class flowers were fairly represented to, whilst the fruit exhibited looked luxurious and tempting. Vegetables were a most excellent show, the entrants being numerous, and the quality good. The same remarks equally apply to the cottager’s class. A nice lot of pigs, canaries, and British birds, poultry, ducks, eggs, rabbits, were also shown and special prizes were given for the best cottager’s gardens. In the ornamental and mechanical department there was a great improvement, especially in fretwork, the first prize being awarded to Mr George Farndale for a magnificent clock frame, the design being purely gothic, made of black walnut and white Maple, nicely varnished...




Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 28 August 1884: At the Spennymoor Floral and Industrial Exhibition: The fretwork duchese dressing table cut by G Farndale, Loftus, which has already at other shows been so much admired, received premier honours again


Durham County Advertiser, 12 September 1884: Durham Floral, Horticultural and Industrial Show: .. Mr George Farndale, Loftus, entirely merited the first prize for a beautiful toilet table, which was a marvel of fretwork




York Herald, 23 January 1886: LOFTUS IN CLEVELAND. LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. On Tuesday evening a representative meeting of the liberals of the Loftus polling district was held in the Oddfellows’ hall, Loftus, Mr W France presiding. The following officers and representatives were elected... Members of the council, Loftus … G Farndale...


Northern Echo, 9 December 1887: LIBERAL MEETING AT LOFTUS. On Wednesday evening, the annual general meeting of the Loftus branch of the Cleveland Liberal Association was held at the Oddfellows’ hall, when about 20 persons put in an appearance. The election of officers resulted as follows... the following elected as representatives of the council: Loftus... John Norrie were elected in place of Messrs Geo Farndale …




1891 Census, 59 Garnet Street, Middlesbrough


George Farndale, 48, Joiner

Hannah Mary Farndale, 44

William Geo Farndale, 22 Accountant

Sarah Annie Farndale, 20, Housemaid – domestic servant

Arthur Edwin Farndale, 16, Railway Booking Clerk

Edith G Farndale, 13




Stockton Herald, South Durham and Cleveland Advertiser, 19 September 1903: Order of Rechabites. Cleveland District. The half yearly meeting of the District Council was held at the congregational school room, Grape lane, Whitby, on Saturday afternoon. Brother Walter Coates, DCR, Middlesbrough, presided and the following district officers were also present... George Farndale...


The Rechabites were a religious order.




Stockton Herald, South Durham and Cleveland Advertiser, 16 April 1904: Order of Rechabites. Cleveland District Meeting. 34th annual meeting of the Cleveland district independent order of retro bites was held on Saturday in the schoolroom of the Gillespie PM church, Middlesbrough. Brother W Coates DCR presided... The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows... Brother Geo Farndale and John Telford, (Middlesbrough)... A resolution was unanimously adopted strongly condemning any proposed legislation which would interfere with the discretionary powers now in the hands of the magistrates in regard to control of liquor licences, or that would give compensation for licences, which in the public interest were not renewed.




Stockton Herald, South Durham and Cleveland Advertiser, 14 March 1908: CLEVELAND RECHABITES. HEARTY SUPPORT OF THE LICENSING BILL. The annual business and social meeting of the Cleveland district grand encampment elloway took place on Friday in gilespie St, primitive school and, Middlesbrough... the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year... Grand Deputy Ruler, Mr George Farndale




Daily Gazette for Middlesbrough, 21 August 1909 and the Stockton Herald, South Durham and Cleveland Advertiser, 28 August 1909: TEMPERANCE CAMPAIGN. Under the auspices of the Middlesbrough temperance society the annual meetings were held this week at the marketplace, middle spread. On Monday and Tuesday Mr George farndale presided; Mr. J brown and white on Wednesday and Mr jeon homes on Thursday. The speakers were...




1911 Census, 11 King Edwards Road, Middlesbrough


George Farndale, 68, Picture Framer

Hannah Mary Farndale, 63



George Farndale, aged 74 was buried on 1 August 1917 at Linthorpe Cemetery, Burnham Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough and the death was )registered at Middlesborough District in the last quarter 1917, mother’s surname Ventress.