Bailed for poaching


Roger de Farndale

1255? to 1325?

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Roger de Farndale (FAR00028) (say 25 at the time of the poaching incident) may have been born in about 1300. He was the son of Gilbert de Farndale (FAR00018).



From sureties of persons indicted for poaching and for not producing persons so indicted on the first day of the Eyre Court in accordance with the suretieship due to Richard Drye. There follows a long list of names including,…..1s 8d from Roger son of Gilbert of Farndale (FAR00018), bail from Nicholas de Farndale, (FAR00022), 2s from William the Smith of Farndale, (FAR00009) 3s 4d from John the shepherd of Farndale, (FAR00010), and 3s 4d from Alan the son of Nicholas de Farndale. (FAR00011) (Yorkshire Fees). (See also FAR00019).

There is a separate page about poaching in Pickering Forest.




If Roger died aged about 70, he would have lived to about 1325,




There is also a reference to Gilbert de Farndale, whose son Roger (FAR00028) was bailed by Nicholas Farndale, (see FAR00022) for poaching in 1344 and in 1345 (NRRY Vol VI for further research) (Patent Rolls). The date is hard to match to the above and make sense of people’s ages.